Small Groups

Find out for yourself why we say life is better together.

God uses other people both to enrich our lives and grow our faith.

We want to make it easy for you to find a group of people to share life and faith together. Our groups are currently meeting on campus at 6:00pm on Tuesday nights. We have coffee and snacks, and children are welcome.

Current Discussion Series

In this series, we want to help you take significant steps to understand how to know God better. We want to help you try new, everyday things over the next few weeks to help you get to know and connect with God. The kind of things that will make your relationship with God a part of your everyday lives and help you grow a faith that goes with you everywhere and into everything. The more you connect to God, listen to God, talk to God, talk about God, and worship God, the more you’ll grow into a person with an everyday kind of faith. So much of an everyday faith is caught more than taught, so consider how you can engage with your small group to encourage each other with an everyday faith!